Is frustration a bad thing? Is it something, which should be prevented or do the involved emotions try to tell you something? Psychology explains the concept of the ‘fight-or-flight-reaction’ as a protection mechanism of our unconscious or subconscious mind. It has to do with the production of norepinephrine, a type of hormone, which greatly effects your emotions....
Is it an hype to talk about ‘thinking out of the box’ or is it pivotal for decision making? Psychology mentions novelty seeking as a personal trait which is key for impulsive decision making. Definitely not the only trait to be used for decision making, but what if we leave it out of the process? What...
Why don’t most people like change? `Perhaps a confusion of purpose and direction? The answer is passion. When passion is missing there is no reason to leave the comfort zone. A hunger for more tips the scale from calculating costs to doing whatever it takes. Discomfort is no longer an issue when passion is present. The question is, how do you set...